
Thanks for stopping by! Please check out my most recent photo sessions! I am currently booking for 2011!

The "B" Family {A special in black and white}

This was one of the first families I photographed back almost two years ago when I was just getting started. They were pregnant with little man, and not too long after, I got pregnant with my little one. We've stayed connected through fb (love it!) and it's so fun to know other families that are enjoying (lol!) the joys of three kids.
I did this shoot at Willoughby farms. This was my first shoot there, and I absolutely LOVE this place. It's full of cute barns, fields, bridges and more. And the few times I've been there, it hasn't been crowded!

As you can see, this family radiates the incredible love they have for one another. I loved watching them interact, and I love that they chose me to capture that love. Enjoy!
Thanks again "B" family!

As my fellow photographers know two years old can be the toughest when it comes to picture taking (among other things..lol!). I always make sure to have puppets, bubbles and smarties ready when I know I'll be hanging out, and taking pictures of a two year old. However, this little sweetie may just have been the easiest two year old, heck the easiest kid I've yet to photograph. She was so laid back, and did anything I asked her to do. And I couldn't get over just how stinkin' cute she is, really, look at those eyes!! Now if only all the two year olds were this easy...especially my own whose not quite a year and a half and already entering the terrible twos! Ugh!

Sweet Sisters

Having sisters myself, and also having two girls, this photo shoot was extra special to me. These two little girls were adorable, and full of energy. We took a few pictures inside, but the weather was so nice, we had to get some outdoor photos too.
I had so much fun meeting these beautiful girls, and their mom. I love meeting new clients and coming up with new ideas for fun photos. My sister let me borrow her Japanese umbrella, so we had some fun with that. These two cuties make my job easy!

Family Love

Growing up as the oldest of three girls was fun, but also a little scary, as I was usually the first one to try something new. I was the first one to head off to high school, the first one to drive, the first one to get grounded for throwing a party while the parents are gone..lol! The first one to head off to college, get married and have kids.
I'm lucky enough to have two younger sisters (one four, and one eight years younger) who live nearby and who I still consider some of my best friends. Though we've always been at different stages in our lives, we've always been there for each other. So you can imagine my excitement after having three kid of my own, when my sister announced her pregnancy.
Little Eloie arrived in January and I've been smitten ever since. She is so beautiful, a perfect combination of my sister and her husband. It's been exciting to watch them step into parenthood and live through the highs and lows of the first few months.
They are wonderful parents and little Eloie is one lucky girl (especially to have me as an aunt!)

Sweet Kate


I met Kate just a few months after she was born. Her momma brought her to me for some pictures, and I couldn't get over how much hair she had. This girl was born with a beautiful head of hair. And I don't think any of it has fallen out! At one, she has a whole head of hair to go along with her sweet personality. Kate's first birthday was a bumble bee theme, so her super creative mom, found this cute outfit and had to get some pictures of her in it. Kate was just as sweet as the first time I met her. She was all smiles, and loved sticking that tongue out at me! Thanks again for letting me capture Kate's 1st b-day pics. She's a keeper! :)

Sweet baby Landon

I met Melissa and her husband Wes through the church I attend. They are the nicest couple! I went to their house a few weeks ago to take some maternity pictures of Melissa. They were both so laid back, and they were open to all of my crazy ideas! Much to my surprise we got those maternity pictures done just in time! Little Landon decided to come three weeks early! When I met him he was already almost three weeks old, but still the size of a newborn. He was so sweet, and so strong! He kept trying to lift his head during the shoot! As you can see from these pictures, he's one cute little guy, and so lucky to be born into this family.

Thank you for letting me into your house and letting me capture Landon in all his cuteness!